
Analysis of Ecommerce Ranking Data

Graphs and analysis that explore the Casaleggio Associati Ecommerce Ranking, from the monthly growth in the number of companies, to the breakdown by product sector of the companies present.

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  • Ecommerce websites10.169
  • Sites with irrelevant traffic4.413
  • Sites no longer active381
  • Analyzed Ecommerce websites14.963

Top-10 growth in the month

The positions earned by the 10 companies that during the last month have been able to grow and conquer important positions in our ranking, earning the trust of Italian customers.

Monthly growth of the number of companies present in the Ranking

Data on the monthly growth of our ranking of the best ecommerce companies in Italy. The number is constantly increasing, reflecting the expansion and development of the ecommerce sector in our country. This steady growth in our ranking is a positive sign for the ecommerce industry, indicating a sector that is constantly evolving and where the opportunities for success are constantly increasing. Sites that have a traffic estimate close to zero in a certain month are excluded from the month's analysis.

Breakdowns of the Top 100 by percentage by industry

Our Top 100 of the best ecommerce companies in Italy stands out for the diversity of the sectors represented. The breakdown of companies within our ranking shows a rich and varied panorama, reflecting the wide range of Italian ecommerce, with companies that stand out in various fields, offering quality products and services to consumers.

Number of companies out of the total ranking for each sector

A detailed overview of the number of companies present by sector in our ranking of the best ecommerce companies in Italy. These data offer an overview of the distribution of Ecommerce companies in Italy.

Distribution of nationalities of Ecommerce companies

CountryTot. companies%
USUnited States2782,73%
GBUnited Kingdom1551,52%
HKHong Kong SAR China90,09%

Most of the companies that sell online in Italy were born or have their headquarters in this country. However, it is important to consider the distribution in absolute terms of other nations. The following table shows the top 20 countries from which the Ecommerce sites selling in Italy come.

Italianness index by sector

Sector% italian companies% Top 10 in sector% Top 1000 overall
HKFood and Beverage95%50%63%
HKHome and Furniture88%60%68%
HKBabies and Toys85%80%88%
HKJewelry and Watches83%30%48%
HKCar and Motorcycle82%30%50%
HKHealth and Beauty80%50%52%

The number of Italian companies that sell online varies significantly based on the sector they belong to. For this reason we have defined an Italianness index for each of the product categories in the ranking.

% Italian companies: percentage of Italian companies in the sector, compared to the total number of companies in the ranking.

% Top 10 in the sector: percentage of Italian companies among the top ten in the specific sector. It describes the relevance of Italian companies among the category leaders.

% Top 1000 overall: percentage of Italian companies among the top 1000 in the ranking. It provides an additional perspective on the relevance of Italian companies.

Average unique visitors by sector

It represents the estimate of the average number of monthly visitors of Ecommerce sites according to the sector. The data is provided by the sum of the unique visitors for each site in the category in relation to the total number of active sites present. It allows you to get an idea of ​​the number of monthly visitors necessary to emerge in the specific sector.

April 9th, 2025 - Milan

Ecommerce Italy 2025

The 19th edition of the CA research will explore innovations, current trends, the most interesting cases and market evolutions of the Ecommerce in Italy.

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